If you have applied for protection in Belarus, you are entitled to:
- Receiving monetary assistance.
A one-time payment of 1 basic unit (as of April 2023, 37 rubles ~ 12 euros), which is paid automatically.
Additional cash assistance for:
- payment for travel to the Department of Citizenship and Migration – in an amount not exceeding the cost of travel to the destination point at the tariff of a second-class car of a passenger train;
- payment for accommodation at the point of temporary settlement or place of temporary settlement – in the amount of actual living expenses;
- payment for accommodation in the case of self-settlement, as well as in the case of settlement in a special accommodation facility designed for temporary residence of foreigners applying for protection – in the amount of actual living expenses, not exceeding ten basic units per month (as of April 2023, RUB 370 ~ EUR 120);
- food – in the amount not exceeding five basic units (as of April 2023, 185 rubles ~ 60 euros);
- purchase of clothing – in an amount not exceeding four basic units (as of April 2023, 148 rubles ~ 48 euros).
! Additional monetary assistance is provided only if you submit a written motivated application to the Citizenship and Migration Unit where you previously submitted your application for protection.
- free emergency medical care in state health care organizations;
- employment on an equal footing with foreigners permanently residing in Belarus;
! Employment offices are obliged to help you with employment.
! When hiring a foreigner applying for protection, the employer does not need to obtain a special permit for the right to work in Belarus.
- You are entitled to judicial protection on an equal basis with citizens of the Republic of Belarus;
! In some cases, legal assistance to foreigners is provided free of charge at the expense of bar associations.
After applying for international protection in Belarus, you are obliged to:
- to comply with the Constitution and legislation of the Republic of Belarus, to respect its national traditions;
- justify your application for protection, submit documents for travel abroad, or explain the reasons for their absence, other documents, materials and information relevant to the consideration of your application for protection;
- provide information about your funds and notify the Citizenship and Migration Unit about the funds you will receive during the period of your application for protection;
- undergo a DACTO and a mandatory medical examination;
- undergo identification if you do not have a document to travel abroad or if you present a false or forged document to travel abroad;
- appear when summoned by the Department or the Citizenship and Migration Unit;
- register at the place of actual temporary stay in Belarus;
- after registration of the application for protection, apply for a temporary residence permit for the period of consideration of the application for protection;
- reside within the territory of the region or the city of Minsk where your application for protection is registered;
- immediately inform the Citizenship and Migration Unit of any change of place of temporary residence in Belarus;
- perform other duties on an equal footing with foreigners temporarily residing in Belarus.
Appealing against a refusal to grant protection in Belarus
If you are denied refugee status and subsidiary protection, you can appeal the decision to the court.
The appeal must be filed with the court within 15 days from the date of familiarization with the decision to deny protection. If the refusal was made under the accelerated procedure, you have seven days to appeal against it.
When filing an appeal, you must pay a state duty in the amount of 1 basic unit (as of April 2023, 37 rubles ~ 12 euros).
Until the decision on the complaint is made, you have all the rights granted to foreigners applying for protection.
After the entry of the court decision to reject your complaint, you are obliged to leave Belarus, unless you cannot be expelled or you have filed a new application for protection.