Registration of foreign citizens online in Belarus: instructions

Human Constanta
5 January 2019

In case you come to Belarus for a period longer than 5 days and do not stay at a hotel or hostel, you need to register in Belarus. Previously, to do so you had to go to the Department of Citizenship and Migration and we already wrote how to do it. From January 2, you can register in Belarus for free through electronic form.

! Only foreigners who enter Belarus through checkpoints on the State Border of Belarus can register in Belarus through electronic form. Therefore, if you arrived in Belarus from Russia, you will have to personally go to the Department of Citizenship and Migration and you will not be able to register electronically.

How to register

  • Go to the Unified Portal of E-services, and create your account. While registering, you need to indicate your first and last name, phone number and email address. You will receive a confirmation email, and you will need to change your password.
  • Go to “My Account” in the upper right corner. In the drop-down menu, select “Citizenship and Migration.” After loading, you will have the service “Registration of a foreign citizen or stateless person temporarily staying in the Republic of Belarus”. Click “Order”.
  • Then, there will appear a window with an electronic application form, which can be filled out in Russian or English. To fill out an electronic form you will need the same data as the one required at the Department of Citizenship and Migration:
    1. Full name of a registering foreigner;
    2. Passport details of a foreigner;
    3. Visa information (if you received one);
    4. Dates of registration. By default, the date starts from the current day, so you shouldn’t do it beforehand. It’s worth registering in 5 days after arriving in Belarus;
    5. The address of a foreigner’s stay. In this section you also need to specify the Department of Citizenship and Migration to which the address of registration belongs. Find it out on the Internet or from the owner of the apartment where you will stay;
    6. Information about the person or organization that requires your registration (if any). Here you can specify the name of a friend with whom you are going to stay or the organization that has invited you. You can also leave this field blank;
    7. The insurance certificate number and its validity term.

 ! You can assign electronic registration to your representative or another person who has an account on the Unified Portal of E-services. For example, friends who will host you in Belarus can register you.

Registration through the Portal is free, unlike the registration at the Department of Citizenship and Migration. After filling out and submitting the application form in your Personal Account, in the section “Current Services” a notification will appear about the acceptance of the application or the refusal to accept it. Then you will receive a message about the registration at the address you provided or about the registration refusal. You will receive this message to your e-mail, also you will be able to see it in your Personal Account.

! You can use the electronic registration procedure in Belarus only once. If you want to extend your registration in Belarus, you will have to personally contact the Department of Citizenship and Migration and fill out an application there.

Now the portal has problems, some have tried to register online, but received a report on the system error. In this case, you need to go to Department of Citizenship and Migration and register as before.

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